Exercise Log

I'm adding this page to keep a log and account of exercising and eating habits.  I am looking for accountability partner(s) to join me in reaching our health and fitness goals.

My goal is to lose an additional 10 pounds.  From October to February, I lost 32 pounds.  Even through vacation and Christmas, I was able to stay focused and continually lose 1-2 pounds a week.  In February, I started to exercise.  It was slow at first.  Fifteen minutes of very low impact exercise was about all I could handle!  I've worked up to working out 30 minutes a day, 5-6 times a week.  I definitely feel stronger and have much more energy.  Now, you would think I would have lost some weight with all this exercising I've been doing. Well, my eating habits have not been so good.  Thankfully, I haven't gained any weight back, but I would like to regain the ability to have self-control in my eating.  I'm trying to focus on health and that this is a life-long process.  ***edited to add:  My ULTIMATE goal is to make eating healthfully and being active part of LIFE itself.  I don't want to have to think so much about it!  

5/8/10  30 minutes on the treadmill, 10 of those were jogging!  I burned about 250 calories and went 1.7 miles.

5/9/10  15 minutes of cardio, 15 minutes of core on My Fitness Coach on the Wii.  I burned a total of 158 calories.

5/10/10  30 minutes of walking/jogging outside.  I'm not sure how accurate the calories burned is on the app I used, but it said I burned 158, and walked 1.65 miles.  I started counting calories again, using an app on the iPhone called Lose it!  So far so good, but self control is hardest at night when I want to snack!

5/11/10  No exercise today, we were not home for a large part of the day.  I did well with eating, though, despite the smorgasbord of treats at the AWANA closing ceremony!

5/12/10  30 minutes of cardio workout on My Fitness Coach for a burn of 192 calories.  Eating is in control so far today.

5/13/10  No exercise again, busy day!  My eating was in control and on track.

5/14/10  30 minutes on the treadmill, 12 of those jogging at 4.0 mph.  Total distance 1.7 miles and 278 calories burned.  

It's our date weekend, so I will resume logging exercise and eating on Monday!  I will try to make healthy choices in eating while away from home, but I'm also going to enjoy being with my husband and allow myself some freedom in eating :)

5/16/10  4+ mile hike with my sweetheart

5/17/10  30 minutes of yoga to stretch my slightly sore muscles!

5/18/10  30 minute walk on the treadmill, roughly 1.5 miles and 200 calories burned.

5/19/10 NOTHING!

5/20/10 30 minutes of alternating walking and jogging for 1.6 miles.

More to come...