Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 2 & 3 combo

Since it's my blog, I'm going to do this 30 day challenge my way!  Hee hee, that means that it will take much longer than 30 days :)

The meaning behind my blog name...are you ready?  Are you sure?  Ok, here it is...I live on Dragonfly Lane!  Pretty creative, huh?

Since day 2 is hardly worth it's own posting, I'm combining it with day 3, a picture from my childhood.  Ok, several pictures from my childhood.  I borrowed a box of photos from my mom.  The girls and I were looking through some of them last night and laughing.  Oh, the hairstyles!  Oh, the clothes!  It's funny to look back at pictures and realize some memories aren't accurate.  Some of my memories of childhood are based on my feelings!  In my mind, I've always been overweight and awkward.  But looking back, that's not really true.  The weight came on mostly in my adult life.  Sure, I was never a skinny kid, but I wasn't as huge as I remember either.  The awkward part, yeah, that's always been there.  But I'm ok with it.

Here are the pics:  I was too lazy to scan them in, so I took a picture of the picture.  The first three are my sister and I, and I seem to always be on the left!

What would a childhood be without a John Deere tractor?!

I'm holding Sammy the cat, my sister has the catch of the day, and there's good ol' Jake

We were so YOUNG!  I think this was coming back from skiing??
These are kind of random, but I've got an idea for future blogging to go back and pull out some older photos.  That'll be fun!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Too long since last post!

There's no way I'll catch you up on the goings-on over the last four months!  Needless to say, we've been busy!

So to spice things up, I'm going to do a 30-day blog challenge.  I got the idea here.

Day 1~a recent picture of myself and 15 facts.

This is about as recent as I've got.  We were taking a bike ride on the Eastern Trail with our friend Lisa.

15 "fun" facts...stay awake please :)

1. I am a complete homebody.  If I could stay home 6 out of 7 days of the week, I would.
2. My favorite food is chocolate.  It should be a food group, because I can't imagine living without it.
3. The best part of my life is my husband and girls.  I'm incredibly grateful to take care of them and love them.
4. I'm about as nerdy as one can get.  I like gadgets, electronics, and video games.  
5. I like making to-do lists & crossing things off that are done.
6. I despise shopping of any sort.  I would love a personal shopper.
7. Someday, I'd like to hear "Heather ****, you are Ironman!"
8. Yes, I'm afraid of the dark...still.
9. I'm way to serious.
10. I'm learning to crochet.
11. Diet Pepsi is my favorite drink.
12. I believe a day with a nap is a good day.
13. I will be running a half-marathon this year, yet I can't fathom *how* I'm going to do it.
14. I don't like to cook or bake, but I really like food.
15. Someday, I want to learn to dance.

Here I go, hitting "publish post" before I over-analyze and erase the whole thing.  Tomorrow (or next post) will be the meaning behind my blog name.  Betcha can't wait!