Thursday, September 15, 2011

Tri for a Cure 2011

What else can you do on a beautiful, sunny, warm summer day but...



Ok, I know, it's been almost two months since the tri.  I'm finally to the point of being able to blog it.  There was some mental processing that I needed to work through, not to mention life is busy.  Let me tell you that the whole weekend was just INCREDIBLE!  I cried...alot.  Not only for the cancer survivors, but also for those who are still fighting the fight and their families.  I am just so thankful to have been able to participate and help raise money for this organization.  Thank you to each person and family that donated!

I'm still amazed that God gave me the desire to do this crazy thing called a triathlon.  The night before the race, I prayed earnestly that He would use the experience for His purposes.  I know that He answered that in sending several dear ladies my way to encourage.  Who knows what else He will do with it?

Racing with all women was incredibly inspiring.  There was a wide range of abilities and ages, but everyone was working their hardest.  I loved, loved, loved training with and sharing this experience with Laurie!  Of course, without her suggestion, I wouldn't have even THOUGHT of doing this race!

Although, I am competitive by nature and was incredibly pleased with my time, the bigger thrill and excitement was finishing that race.  Many months of preparation went into what boiled down to one hour and 46 minutes.  Talk about a lesson in perseverance!  I couldn't help but cry at the finish line!

I'm already looking toward the next race...stay tuned!

Very special thanks go to my husband and children who sacrificed so I could train and race.  I wouldn't have been able to go very far without your love, support and encouragement to work towards this goal.
I also have to shout out to Mom, Sharon, Joanne, Crystal, the "Rob" family and Lisa...thank you all for your support and encouragement!

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