Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A challenge!

A follow up to a previous post on fear...check out the following blog!

Running Upward: Just Do It: What are you afraid of doing? Are there activities, goals, aspirations that get tucked away because you're too scared to try?

Let me tell a story of my own.  There once was a girl who was afraid of many things and situations.  One day, she felt God prompting her to host a ladies bible study in her home.  She was afraid!  Why, you may wonder, was she afraid?  Pride...that people would see she is a poor time manager and housekeeper.  Fear...that once people got to know her better they would see her many faults and not like her.  Sad, but true.  This girl finally decided to let people know about this bible study idea, sure that no one would be interested.  But, she was proven wrong!  And, now that this particular study is winding down and the group is getting ready for a new study, this girl has realized what a blessing she would have missed if she had given into fear.  Blessings of new friendships and spiritual growth.  The beauty of change and of shared prayers and praises.

My challenge to you...What are you afraid of?  What is it in your life that fear is holding you back?  As the blogger said above...  JUST.  DO.  IT.  And, please share your story with me!  I would love to hear from you!

Monday, September 19, 2011


31.  LIGHTS-homeschool co-op and it's leaders.

Our first day at the local homeschool co-op was today.  What a great group of kids and moms!  Em is taking a bible class with the youth pastor, PE, and world geography.  Her favorite was PE!  Rach's classes are Spanish, PE, and oceanography/lapbooking.  Her favorite was Spanish class, and her Spanish name is Josephina.  I get to play too!  I'm a helper in Chemistry lab and oceanography/lapbooking.
After classes are done, the kids are able to play games with their friends in "chess club."  There is, of course, chess available to play and a variety of other board games to choose from.
The morning FLEW by, we had so much fun!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Tri for a Cure 2011

What else can you do on a beautiful, sunny, warm summer day but...



Ok, I know, it's been almost two months since the tri.  I'm finally to the point of being able to blog it.  There was some mental processing that I needed to work through, not to mention life is busy.  Let me tell you that the whole weekend was just INCREDIBLE!  I cried...alot.  Not only for the cancer survivors, but also for those who are still fighting the fight and their families.  I am just so thankful to have been able to participate and help raise money for this organization.  Thank you to each person and family that donated!

I'm still amazed that God gave me the desire to do this crazy thing called a triathlon.  The night before the race, I prayed earnestly that He would use the experience for His purposes.  I know that He answered that in sending several dear ladies my way to encourage.  Who knows what else He will do with it?

Racing with all women was incredibly inspiring.  There was a wide range of abilities and ages, but everyone was working their hardest.  I loved, loved, loved training with and sharing this experience with Laurie!  Of course, without her suggestion, I wouldn't have even THOUGHT of doing this race!

Although, I am competitive by nature and was incredibly pleased with my time, the bigger thrill and excitement was finishing that race.  Many months of preparation went into what boiled down to one hour and 46 minutes.  Talk about a lesson in perseverance!  I couldn't help but cry at the finish line!

I'm already looking toward the next race...stay tuned!

Very special thanks go to my husband and children who sacrificed so I could train and race.  I wouldn't have been able to go very far without your love, support and encouragement to work towards this goal.
I also have to shout out to Mom, Sharon, Joanne, Crystal, the "Rob" family and Lisa...thank you all for your support and encouragement!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

26.  Filtered rays of sunlight through the trees.
27.  The change of seasons.
28.  A new set of wheels.
29.  School activities and busyness.

Monday, September 5, 2011

You KNOW you're a homeschooler when...

you see this creature and it's web attached to the hose you are about to use and run into the house to tell the children to "Come, quick, there's something I want you to see!" despite the fact that it creeps you out!  (Yes, I know that's a run on sentence, lol)

Black and yellow argiope

The girls came outside to check out the spider in question and told me they had already seen it in my flower garden!  So, Emily decides to "google it" and figure out what kind of spider we were looking at.  It's an orb web spider called a black and yellow argiope   My first concern was to find out if it's poisonous or potentially harmful.  It's not!  In fact, it's a beneficial animal to have around since it eats pests in large quantity.  I love impromptu science lessons!

Now, if we can just get rid of the woodchuck living under our front stairs...anyone have a "have a heart" trap we could borrow to catch him?

Saturday, September 3, 2011

How does she do it?

I don't know how she does it, but Ann Voskamp has put words to my thoughts...again. 

 When perfectionism and to do lists are overwhelming, Ann's blog post is well worth the read.  Or maybe I'm the only one who gets overwhelmed.

At the end of the day, Ann tells her husband:

“I guess it’s just coming to realize…” I lean back into him and I didn’t know the words until they slipped out true, “God doesn’t ask me to be perfect; He asks me to praise.”
I don’t have to have smudgeless windows and empty laundry baskets and gleamy toilet bowls! I don’t have to have a perfect life, all problems solved! I think I hear the Hallelujah chorus!
I simply need have a grateful heart to give Him glory.

Gratitude in all things is the only thing God asks.
Can I take each seeming problem and turn it back to praise?
That alone is the one thing needful.
As I go into the next week of starting school "full time" and all the busy-ness that the next ten months hold, I'm praying that I can indeed turn it all back to praise.  That I don't get caught up in trying to be perfect.  That I will take the time to be fully present with those around me, especially the ones I live with.  

22.  A centerpiece of pretty weeds, arranged by my youngest daughter.
23. My oldest's soccer game.
24. Cooking dinner for my husband and family.
25. Laundry, dishes, dirty floors.

Friday, September 2, 2011

The way life should be...

21.  These girls ♥ 

22. The rocky coast